
Setting Up Your Business in the USA as a South African Company: The Complete Guide

Setting Up Your Business in the USA as a South African Company: The Complete Guide Incorporating your business in the United States can provide numerous benefits such as access to the world’s largest consumer market, favorable business laws, and opportunities for international expansion. For South African entrepreneurs, establishing a U.S. business can open doors to […]

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South Arrican Staanrib

Die Staanrib

Combining food & photography, my 2 favourite things. A South African “staanrib” or upright slow cooked lamb rib for lunch. Charred, served with baked potatoes, salad and a fresh squeeze of lemon. This is not exactly vegetarian friendly, but as long as the lamb doesn’t touch the potatoes and salad, I won’t tell ????

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Dammit people, Cyril Ramaphosa does not invest in bitcoin.

Will the scams ever end? Apparently not. Ads prominently featuring Cyril Ramaphosa allegedly investing in Bitcoin have been proliferating on search engines and social media. Google & Facebook get paid when these ads are placed, so they have zero incentive to change. It’s no wonder people don’t trust the interwebs.

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Sociopathic CEO’s and the cult of self adoration

Perhaps I’m cynical or even hypocritical, considering that I’ve flirted with self-promotion and for a few years there even actively engaged in the public speaking circuit. But whenever I see the “new guru on the block” I can’t help but wonder what their real motivation is. On the chopping block is Dan Price, the messiah […]

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